

    • During the swim lesson, I need to have your child’s total attention and your child needs to know that I am in charge.
    • Please do not offer help, encouragement, advise or even praise during the lessons. But please do offer lots of praise after the lesson!
    • The steps/stairs are NEVER an Exit, when in the pool, whether for lessons or for fun, your child needs to exit the pool where he / she is finished swimming. We will exit at all different places to reinforce the idea that he / she can get out at any point; that he/ she doesn't need to go to the steps to get out.
    • From now on, He / she is to WAIT to get in the pool. WAIT until a supervising adult, i.e. mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, teacher, etc. says "o.k. go" or "ready, go" or "1,2,3, go" THESE are our KEY words we will use EVERY TIME he gets in the pool. Please follow these key words yourself and tell all that are also involved in taking your child swimming to follow these key words.
    • During your practice time and after lesson: LOTS of PRAISE when he / she accomplishes any skill we are working on or makes an effort.
    • HELP, assist only how much he / she needs. Let your child do what they can on their own.
    • If your child uses any type of floatation device such as "floaties" (blow-up floatation armband type of device that go on the arms), swim rings, swim tubes, swim seats/boats, puddle-jumpers, or any other type of floatation device, especially ones that restrict arm movement or keep the swimmer in a vertical position, and can also give the swimmer a false sense of security, DO NOT allow your child to use during the duration of our swim lessons session (2-6 weeks)and limit the amount of time in vests. If it is a must, then please make sure that your child is without them more than with them (Rule of thumb is: if your child has had a total time of 20 minutes of water/swim instruction in the learn2wimsafe program that week, then the swimmer must not use any floatation device more than 20 minutes that week). These devices keep your child in a vertical position and we are working hard to get your child in a horizontal / prone position with legs up at water level for proper swimming. It is twice as hard to teach students that are accustomed to using these devices than students that have not used them. Allowing your child to use floatation devices during the course of our instruction will vastly slow down our progress or any halt it all together. The best and most acceptable type of floatation device is a coast guard approved life vest, the 2nd is a "Swimmy" that goes around the  abdomen only and can adjust to the amount of panels/thicknesses of floatation pads, and third and lastly, a "puddle jumper". Arm band "floaties" are NOT recommended at all.
    • Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail or bun to prevent instructor from accidentally catching on to hair and hair getting into swimmer's eye.
    • DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO GET IN THE POOL PRIOR TO LESSON OR TO SWIM within 30 minutes prior to swim lesson.
    • It is recommended that for every 10 minutes of instruction that the swimmer receives from this program, there be an additional 2- 5 minutes of "practice" time  outside of lessons, for reinforcement. Your instructor will periodically give you "homework" /  skills to practice between lessons.  Make sure that it is not all "drill" work and that your child has fun in an around the water between lessons.  The more that your child will be able to get into the water, not only to "practice" but also to have fun, your child will be able to advance in his/her progress of the Learn 2 swim safe program.
    • Prior to lesson, please remove or turn off any moveable cleaning equipment or devices such as creepy crawler or the like.
It is important that you support the philosophy of the lessons in order for your child to be successful at Learn2SwimSafe.

It is recommended that your child complete 2 rounds (80 minutes x 2) each year, expecially infants and toddlers and young beginner swimmers

If you follow all the rules and guidelines and do your homework as instructed, your child will either be floating or falling in and getting the wall on his / her own at the completion of 80 minutes total time in water in the
Learn2SwimSafe Program!

Your lesson time is not an exact time but is an estimated time, due to the fact that each swimmer's swim time ranges in time. Always allow 20 minutes leeway either way due to my previous lesson going overtime/under time, and traffic. I will call or text with 10-15 minutes heads up when I am on my way.  Please have your child dressed, pottied, and ready to get in the pool BUT DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO GET IN THE POOL PRIOR TO LESSON OR TO SWIM within 30 minutes prior to swim lesson.

* If instructor arrives for a scheduled swim lesson and swimmer is already in the pool swimming, the swim lesson may be forfeited for that day and may NOT be made up.

REMEMBER, NO ONE is EVER DROWN PROOF but swim lessons and pool safety awareness and knowledge will lessen the odds of accidents and drowning. 


It is recommended that these rules be printed and posted near the pool for all involved in swimming with your child to be able to easily view.